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首先,我们需要在蚂蚁庄园中创建一个庄园,并邀请好友加入。 Once we have created our庄园, we can invite friends to join it. This will allow us to share the joy of feeding小鸡 with them.

然后,我们需要选择一个喂小鸡的饲料桶。 There are several饲料桶 options available in the game, each with its own unique characteristics. We can choose the one that best suits our needs.

接下来,我们需要选择饲料桶中的饲料。 The饲料 we use to feed the小鸡 can be selected from a variety of categories, such as food, water, and medicine. We can choose the one that is most appropriate for our小鸡’s needs.

最后,我们需要将饲料桶放在庄园的中心位置,让小鸡们自动喂食。 We can place the饲料桶 in the center of our庄园 so that the小鸡们 will automatically feed them.

通过这些步骤,我们可以帮好友喂小鸡,同时也可以体验分享快乐的感觉。 Remember to be kind and helpful to your friends in the game, and to share the joy of feeding the小鸡 with them. Thank you for playing 蚂蚁庄园!